Letter From Membership Vice President
Dear Potential New Member,
First of all, congratulations on your new college journey at Western Kentucky University! As
someone 7 hours from home, I know how nervous you might be about finding your place at college and,
more importantly, your people! Interest in Alpha Xi Delta and Greek life is an amazing first step in finding
those who will love you how you come and support you. For me, Greek life was something that I
was unsure about. I transferred to Western as a Sophmore and was nervous about meeting people.
Greek life, specifically my time in Alpha Xi Delta has been the most impactful part of my college journey. I
have met lifelong friends and sisters, found my home, and gained many lessons, leadership
opportunities, and role models along the way. My hope for you is that you find the same thing in Alpha
Xi Delta. Our mission is to help you Realize Your Potential. Alpha Xi Delta shapes you into the very best
version of yourself and you will leave your college journey with such fond memories.
My sisters and I are so excited to meet you! Formal recruitment is one of the best experiences I
have ever had. This is a time for you to find your people, learn about sorority values, and choose your
home. If you have any questions feel free to send me an email, I would be happy to answer any
questions or just chat about what it means to be part of Epsilon Kappa.
Aileen King