Welcome! The women of Alpha Xi Delta welcome you to the Epsilon Kappa chapter at Western Kentucky University. Alpha Xi Delta inspires women to realize their potential by providing opportunities for sisterhood, leadership knowledge and service. The timeless ideals envisioned by Alpha Xi Delta's Founders remain constant throughout the years, inspiring pride in each member to pursue individual excellence. Since our founding in 1893, we have grown into a strong organization consisting of more than 175,000 initiated members.
These women I am privileged to call sisters and friends are a truly inspirational group, dedicated to philanthropic, academic, and social excellence. Reminiscing on our chapter’s past achievements only serves to motivate us towards greater success. Since our colonization at Western in 2012, the Epsilon Kappa chapter has been faithfully dedicated to serving our community, strengthening the bonds of our cherished organization, and improving our beloved Western Kentucky University. I have already been incredibly blessed by this sisterhood, full of compassionate, talented, and charming individuals, and I will be forever grateful for the lifelong friendships I have made in Alpha Xi Delta.
Again, I hope you enjoy wandering through our website, and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Whether you are a young woman considering Greek life at Western, one of our beloved alumnae seeking the latest chapter update, or perhaps a friend or family member of one of my sweet sisters, we are grateful for your interest in our chapter.
Malea Plough
Chapter President